Bible Verse of the Day Text Message Subscription

In partnership with Verse of the Day (, TextSpot will send you a text message to your personal mobile device every day with the Bible verse of the day.

The $11 per year subscription fee pays for the tolls that wireless carriers charge us to send you a daily message from our software.

How Does It Work?

It's simple, really:

  1. Select Subscribe up above and pay for your annual plan for $11.
  2. Within the next 1-2 business days you'll start receiving a daily text message to your mobile device in the morning of every single day of the year (365 text messages).

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this service available globally?

No. You must be in the United States or Canada.

What version of the Bible are you using?

Verse of the Day uses the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV).

What is included in the messages?

The messages will contain a Bible verse and a link to Verse of the Day's website with associated Thoughts and a Prayer.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel anytime, but please note there are no refunds.