Example text message templates you can copy and use for your organization. Sort by industry and message type.
Message Type
Don't forget, your therapy session is tomorrow at 3 PM. Please come prepared with any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.
Just a reminder that your therapy session is scheduled for next Wednesday at 4 PM. Please come prepared with any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.
Don't forget, your therapy session is today at 2 PM. Please come prepared with any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.
Just a reminder that your therapy session is scheduled for next Monday at 5 PM. Please come prepared with any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.
Don't forget, your therapy session is tomorrow at 4 PM. Please come prepared with any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.
Just a reminder that your therapy session is scheduled for next Thursday at 3 PM. Please come prepared with any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.
Don't forget, your therapy session is today at 5 PM. Please come prepared with any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.
Just a reminder that your therapy session is scheduled for next Tuesday at 2 PM. Please come prepared with any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.
Don't forget, your therapy session is tomorrow at 2 PM. Please come prepared with any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.
Just a reminder that your therapy session is scheduled for next Friday at 4 PM. Please come prepared