Non-Profits & Charities Text Messaging Services
Send, schedule, and manage text messages to your donors and followers.
No credit card required. Start sending texts in 5 minutes.
Gain More Donors. Raise More Money.
TextSpot provides non-profits and charities with all the features they need to gain more donors and build more loyalty. Email to see if you non-profit qualifies for an additional 30% off your TextSpot plan.
Non-Profits & Charities Features & Uses:
- Schedule and send mass texts to your donors and followers.
- Send regular updates to your donors and followers.
- Build specific lists to send mass texts to.
- Send links to encourage donations.
SMS Features for Non-Profits
All plans, whether you subscribe to 100 or 10,000+ message credits, come with the following features (no limitations).
View pricing for more information. Click below to learn more about each feature. New features added monthly!
On This Page
How Non-profits/Charities Uses Text Messaging
For non-profit organizations and charities, this software is integral to processing donations, scheduling social events, and sharing information promptly.
You can send, schedule, and manage non-profits and charities’ text messages to share current news about communities and ongoing events, recruiting volunteers, and collecting donations. It’s a great way to provide regular updates for members or individuals who sign up for weekly or monthly events or projects that require volunteers and donations.
Text messaging and SMS services are commonly used by most people, even more often than making a phone call. Texting is quick and efficient and provides immediate updates and responses to inquiries, a confirmation of your donation, or an invite to a scheduled event.
Bulk text messaging, recurring texts, scheduled texts, two-way messaging, and other methods of communication are all commonly used to create an effective network and regular updates to members of an organization and the public.
Promotional vs. Transactional Text Messages for Non-profit/Charities
Charities and non-profits can build a solid group of steady members or contributors to their organizations by using both transactional and promotional messages.
Promotional messages let members of a charity know about upcoming fundraising events, training and volunteer opportunities, and community socials in your local area. Transactional messages play a role in setting appointments for volunteers to commit for specific dates and times throughout the week, timely reminders, and confirmations when you donate.
While promotional texts and SMS messages provide current and potential members with marketing and reminders, transactional messages are more specific to a specific appointment, commitment, or financial donation.
Bulk/Mass Texting
Within a non-profit’s membership, groups can be defined to receive specific messages en masse when they sign up. For example, a group of volunteers participating in a particular campaign or fundraiser can opt to receive updates by text about progress, including videos and photos sent by SMS. Learn more about our bulk text messaging feature.
Recurring Texts
Do you need to send a reminder to members or clients about an upcoming fundraising gala or volunteer conference? Recurring texts are sent at specific times, such as every four weeks or as a reminder just before a meeting or event, to provide pertinent details and ensure you save the date.
2-Way Messaging
2-way messaging allows volunteer coordinators, Board members of a non-profit, and other key individuals and groups to communicate directly with other individuals or members. This feature is ideal for creating custom events or appointments to discuss a campaign or donation.
Schedule Texts
Automated, scheduled texts can remind members individually without having to input and send the information manually. You can program a reminder for a volunteer’s shift or an automated text to confirm when a member sends an inquiry, letting them know their question or concern will be answered within a specific time frame.
Organizations & User Management
With TextSpot, your account is an organization and each organization can have unlimited users. If you’ve got multiple people within your non-profit that you would like to allow to send text messages, simply add them as a user to your account at no additional charge.
Learn More About the Text Messaging Software Features for Charities and Non-Profits
Many charity offices and non-profits organizations no longer need an appointment book, a manual calendar on the wall, or cash on hand to collect donations. Organizing appointments and events are more accessible than ever with apps like Square to receive donations or purchase tickets to galas and fundraisers.
Benefits of Text Messaging for Charities/Non-Profits
Most people check their phones, messages, and email regularly. Instant messaging pops up effortlessly so that anyone glancing on their phone will receive alerts right away. Setting up MMS and SMS messages automatically is easy to implement and saves a lot of time while creating an efficient line of communication with members and potential members.
Your Benefits as an Organization
Reach more people and make communication convenient and efficient. It helps keep your operations organized and clients regularly updated with what’s new and happening on a repair basis.
Effective Communication
Members and the public who sign up for updates by text message or SMS will appreciate the reminders and invitations to special events throughout the year. They’ll have the benefit of knowing what’s going on in advance, so they can plan their schedule or give to a specific fundraiser.
Make Sure Your Message is Read/Consumed/etc. with Open Rates
Track your text messages with TextSpot to find which texts are most effective or get the most attention from your members.
Maintain an efficient marketing strategy, schedule multiple events, send invites, and communicate about donations to defined groups and members of your charity. You’ll have the advantage of providing a valuable service at affordable rates.
TextSpot saves charities and nonprofits a lot of time, which makes SMS and messaging services an excellent way to keep your members on top of local events, galas, and reminders about them. They can also opt-out of specific messages, and you can quickly filter which groups receive your organization’s texts.
Other Specific Charities/Non-Profit Benefits with Explanations
TextSpot helps you grow support for your charity by keeping your members know about what’s going on. They can quickly sign up to receive invites to attend or volunteer at special galas, fundraising events, campaigns, or keeping them updated on new services and successes.
Your Audience’s Benefits
How do the recipients of your text messages benefit from regular updates? They want to know how to help your local community or support a campaign for a good cause. Communicating regularly with members gives them the advantage of receiving the most current news and exciting goals within the organization.
Who Should Use SMS for Charities and Nonprofits
A non-profit member wants to know how they can play a significant role in a community or cause that they are passionate about supporting. Regular messaging lets them know what’s happening and how they can help.
How to Be Successful
Nonprofits and charities can better manage their events, especially if multiple campaigns, projects, and outreach programs run simultaneously with an efficient scheduling and communication system.
How to Collect Phone Numbers
Do you have a current list of contacts on a spreadsheet or database? Easily add these numbers to your TextSpot phone list and make the communication process effortless with bulk messaging, special updates, and invitations.
Getting Started with SMS for Non-profits/Charities
It’s easy to begin your journey with TextSpot, with a quick inquiry about how to grow your organization’s efforts and expand your outreach.
What You’ll Need
Before you get started, you’ll need a text-enabled phone number, SMS software, and the subscriber information gathered from your list of contacts (including names and phone numbers). You can quickly obtain your contacts by directly importing them, which can be done once you sign up for an account with TextSpot, which allows you to add each contact directly.
What to Consider
Once you import your contacts from your database of members, consider scheduling regular messages for specific events or periodic updates and reminders. You’ll receive a private number when you sign up with TextSpot, so you can get started setting up your organization and inviting members to join.
Getting Started with TextSpot
It just takes a few minutes to get started with TextSpot. Members can quickly receive text messages and accept invites to events wherever they have Wi-FI service. You’ll find the process of getting started with TextSpot takes just a few minutes, and your charity or non-profit’s information to make it happen. It’s a fantastic way to streamline your organization’s goals with regular communication and planning opportunities locally and globally.
Create Account
Create Your Account
Send, schedule, and manage text messages to your donors and followers.
No credit card required. Takes 3 minutes.