School Text Messaging Service
Send, schedule, and manage SMS text messages for teachers and schools.
No credit card required. Start sending texts in 5 minutes.
The ABC's of SMS.
TextSpot makes it incredibly simple for teachers and schools to manage their text messaging to students and parents.
School Features & Uses:
- Send important announcements to students and parents like class cancelations, emergency alerts, parent-teacher conferences, etc.
- Text students reminders about upcoming assignments that are due.
- Mass text your entire school or groups that you create within your organization.
- Create one organization (school) and add as many users (teachers) as you’d like at no additional cost.
- Send links to registration forms.
SMS Features for Schools
All plans, whether you subscribe to 100 or 10,000+ message credits, come with the following features (no limitations).
View pricing for more information. Click below to learn more about each feature. New features added monthly!
On This Page
How Schools Use Text Messaging
Schools are a hub for many people, from students and their families to faculty and staff. Communicating with a varied community can be challenging, but you can engage your school community with school text message software.
Send, schedule, and manage school text messages to inform the students about events, keep administration up-to-date, offer resources, and more.
There are a variety of ways schools utilize SMS. It’s a practical and time-efficient method of communication within the school community.
School Features & Uses:
- Event announcements or reminders
- Assignment reminders for students
- Share links and documents
- Student or teacher resource hotline
- Emergency text alert system
Since there are multiple ways you can utilize school text messaging software to benefit your school, let’s outline the methods and their advantages.
Promotional Vs. Transactional Text Messages
TextSpot hosts two categories of text messages.
- Transactional messages are reminders, including assignment reminders or resource hotlines.
- Promotional messages are mass alerts, such as event announcements or emergency text alerts.
Bulk or Mass Texting
Bulk or mass texting sends messages to a larger group. Mass texting can incorporate dozens or hundreds, depending on your needs. For example, you might need to send an emergency alert campus-wide, or you might limit the bulk text to administration.
Recurring Texts
A scheduled repetitive or repeat text is known as a recurring text. You can specify a date and time, the interval or reoccurrence, and an end period. Recurring texts are helpful for reminders and regularly scheduled events.
For example, suppose every Friday is pizza day in the lunchroom. In that case, you might schedule a weekly text on Thursday reminding subscribers. Depending on the nature of the reminder, you can schedule a text every day, every other day, every week, or every two weeks.
Other repeat events or registration deadlines also benefit from a scheduled reminder.
2-Way Messaging
Suppose you need a more interactive messaging system. In that case, you can use 2-way messaging, which enables back-and-forth communication and document sharing.
For example, the administration might discuss a field trip and share documentation related to the event. One example might include discussing dates or forms deadlines where the administration might engage with a single teacher or group of teachers.
Schedule Texts
While recurring texts can be handy if there’s a series of events, sometimes there are one-time or once-per-year plans.
For example, you might schedule a text alert for upcoming parent-teacher interviews, book fair, student assembly, or reminder of a practice drill.
Organizations & User Management
Organizations are a feature that allows your account to have multiple users. With user management, you can give teachers individual accounts within the organization. You can also protect the privacy of conversations.
Benefits of Text Messaging for Schools
TextSpot SMS enables and simplifies effective communication. Your community will benefit from the efficiency and ease of school text messaging software.
Open Rates
With TextSpot, administration, teachers, and staff can monitor their text messages to determine their open rates. Schools can determine how much of their community is reading their mass messaging. Or, teachers can see if the majority of their class is checking assignment reminders.
Consuming paper for take-home notices or forwarding emails that might never get read wastes resources. An SMS is a more efficient and cost-effective means of engaging your community.
The countless emails and individual notices sent to staff, students, and the school community take time to print, compose, and get to their intended recipient.
Everyone checks their phone messages. With TextSpot, you know your messages aren’t getting lost on their way to parents or staff.
Other Specific School Benefits
With school text message templates, you can get the message out quicker, saving more time and keeping your community informed. In addition, you might create a template for any circumstance or event that might reoccur, which can take some of the pressure off teachers and staff.
Your Community’s Benefits
With the average cell phone user checking their phone 262 times per day, your community won’t miss messages. Parents and students will have immediate access to check events or get in touch with a school hotline. In addition, teachers and administration can send documents and keep each other up to date.
Who Should Use SMS for Schools
Schools can allow teachers, coaches, and administration to create accounts. For example, teachers can send class-specific information to students, staff can remind the community about events, and coaches can announce tryouts or matches.
The organization or school can decide what roles need accounts to make the most of the SMS software.
How To Be Successful
TextSpot has a variety of flexible features that help you get the most of your SMS software. Making text messaging work for your community means knowing what time of day to send messages. The administration must also collect enough subscriber information to reach the majority of your community.
Collecting Phone Numbers
To obtain cell numbers, you might begin with a mass email for students and parents or send a notice to teachers and staff.
While most people are happy to send their contact information to their school, it can help to reassure your community how you intend to use the SMS.
Getting Started with SMS for School
Before you launch a successful SMS for your school, there are a few things you need to get started.
What You’ll Need
- Text enabled phone number
- SMS software (like TextSpot)
- Subscriber information (numbers and names)
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are FAQs about school text message software.
What Is SMS?
Short Message Service (SMS) has been around for a while and has proven reliable. It uses a cellular network. As most people carry their phones or a similarly capable device regularly, you can rely on SMS to reach the majority of your community.
What About Whatsapp and OTT?
Messaging applications like Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger are Over The Top (OTT) apps. Instead of requiring a cell phone network, messages are sent and received using the internet.
While you might have the ability to offer wifi at your school campus, you can’t guarantee that students, teachers, and parents are engaging a wifi network at all times. Also, individual users and community members need to download apps.
With SMS, recipients can be on the go and still receive messages. No app downloads are necessary.
Create Account
Create Your Account
Send, schedule, and manage SMS text messages for teachers and schools.
No credit card required. Takes 3 minutes.