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Monday.com SMS Integration

This article will show you some of the ways you can integrate SMS software with Monday.com. Automate tasks and accomplish more desired outcomes.

INTEGRATE Monday.com

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Connect Monday.com to TextSpot for a seamless SMS integration.

Monday.com SMS Integrations 101

To create an integration between Monday.com and SMS software you need to understand the workflow that automates tasks: Triggers and Actions.

*When this happens...


Triggers are the things that happen on Monday.com or on your SMS software. They are the first step in automating a task. Triggers are the “if” statement.

*Automatically do this...


Actions are what happens after a trigger on Monday.com or your SMS Software. Actions are the “then” statement of your automation.

Popular Monday.com + SMS Software Integrations

  • When someone sends a message to your TextSpot number, create a new board item to help track the conversation or follow-up tasks.
  • When a Keyword is Detected in an incoming message, update or archive a group to keep your workflow organized.
  • When a new user is added to Monday.com, TextSpot can create a new list or send a welcome SMS to introduce them to the team.

Everything You Can Do with a Monday.com SMS Integration

This is everything we know is possible when it comes to automating sending text messages with Monday.com and other integrations that enhance the experience of working with Monday.com.

When Monday.com is the Trigger:

When this happens in Monday.com Do this with SMS software...
Column Value Changes in a BoardSend a Message to Notify Your Team or Stakeholders
New Board is CreatedCreate a New List of the Contacts Involved With the Board
New Item is Added to a BoardAdd/Update a Contact, Send an SMS Message

When SMS software like TextSpot is the Trigger:

When this happens in your SMS software... Do this in Monday.com
Incoming MessageCreate a New Board Item to Help Track the Conversation or Follow-up Tasks.
Link Click in Text MessageUpdate an Item or Add a Subitem, Giving Your Team a Clear Picture of Engagement.
Keyword Detected in Incoming MessageLog the Action by Creating an Update or Archiving a Group to Keep Your Workflow Organized.
Web Form Sign UpCreate/Edit a Board, or Update an Item or Add a Subitem
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Integrate Monday.com with TextSpot

Automate your Monday.com SMS tasks. Create workflows, sync data, send text messages and more.