Church Text Message Examples

Example text message templates you can copy and use for your organization. Sort by industry and message type.



Message Type

  1. Just a reminder, our choir rehearsals are every Wednesday at 7 PM in the sanctuary. All are welcome to join and use their talents to praise God through music.

  1. Don't forget, our children's Sunday school classes are at 9 AM this Sunday. All children are welcome to come and learn about God's love and grace.

  1. Just a reminder, our men's breakfast and Bible study is this Saturday at 8 AM in the fellowship hall. All men are welcome to come and fellowship together.

  1. Don't forget, our women's Bible study group meets this Tuesday at 10 AM in the fellowship hall. All women are welcome to come and learn together.

  1. Just a reminder, our annual mission trip fundraiser is this Sunday after the worship service. Please stop by the table in the fellowship hall to learn more and support our mission efforts.

  1. Don't forget, our annual church picnic is this Sunday after the worship service. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share and come enjoy fellowship with your church family.

  1. Just a reminder, our adult Bible study class meets this Thursday at 7 PM in the fellowship hall. All are welcome to come and learn together.

  1. Don't forget, our monthly prayer meeting is this Wednesday at 7 PM in the sanctuary. All are welcome to join in prayer for our church and community.

  1. Just a reminder, our youth group meets this Wednesday at 7 PM in the youth room. All middle and high school students are welcome to attend!

  1. Don't forget, Sunday worship service is at 10 AM this week. We hope to see you there!