Free Text Message Appointment Reminders

TextSpot allows you to start sending text message appointment reminders with a free trial. Create your free account today to start sending!

text message appointment reminders free

TextSpot is an SMS software that allows you to start sending text message appointment reminders for free. Create your free account and start scheduling, drafting, and sending text message reminders to your upcoming appointments today. You can send up to 50 free text reminders over a 14-day trial period (no credit card required) with an incredibly simple and easy to use web-based software.

A Text Reminder Service for Businesses

According to Text Anywhere, text messages have a 98% open rate. That means that 98 out 100 text messages that are received by each individual are opened. For businesses, this statistic is huge. Businesses are increasingly using text or sms reminder software.

Reminders are a great way to:

  • Make sure your customers are not forgetting about their appointments, which can save you time and money.
  • Show you care about your customer by sending a friendly reminder.
  • Eventually, get positive-only online reviews (more information on that below).

Send Automated Text Reminders

With TextSpot, you can send daily texts or schedule your text message reminders to go regularly on specific days, weeks, months, and even years ahead of when you want them sent. This way, you can fully automate your reminders. We can even connect to third-party calendar software for even more in-depth automation.

Connect to Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar to automate your text message reminders.

Automated text reminders are a great way to set it and forget it and be sure that your event attendees are reminded before your event starts.

For example, if you are a dentist, every time a patient comes in for a scheduled cleaning, ask them if they’d like a text, email, phone, or postcard reminder. Chances are, there are a growing number of people that would prefer a simple text. If they say they’d like a text, copy their phone number, drop it into a new scheduled text and forget it!

Automate Text Messages Today

Do you need automated text messages? Do you have a current system you’d like to integrate with to send appointment reminders and other automated messages?

Send Recurring or Repeat Text Messages

With SMS software like TextSpot, you can send recurring text messages. It’s easy to set up. Just select the recipient(s), the interval for when the message repeats, and for how long the message should repeat (when it should stop sending).

Send Mass Text Messages

With the right software, you can even send blast messages to a group of people to remind them about an appointment, meeting, or event. Learn more about sending mass text messages.

Easy to Use and Manage

Text message reminder services are incredibly easy to set up. There are plenty of great services available that make sending and scheduling text message appointment reminders to your customers a breeze. It’s easy as putting in a phone number, selecting your date and time, inputting your message, and scheduling.

After that, good software will allow you to manage messages scheduled in your queue and see a record of sent messages.

Market Your Business with Reminder Follow-ups

Warming your customer up to receiving text messages from you, by first sending text message reminders, is a great way to keep an open line of communication with them.

Once your customer gets used to receiving those scheduled text message reminders, they’ll be more inclined to receive marketing-related texts. Be careful with text messages, though. Even more so than email, you need to make sure that what is being sent is incredibly valuable to your customer.

One great way to market your business is by following up with your customer after their appointment with another text.

That text could ask for their feedback. Example:

How was your experience today at [BUSINESS NAME]? reply back with “good”, “okay”, or “bad” and you’ll be entered to win a monthly $100 Amazon gift card drawing.

With that reply, you can schedule an automatic follow-up.

If your customer replies to the text with “good,” ask them to leave a review on Google and send a link.

If they reply with “okay” or “bad,” also send them a link, but maybe have that link to a form on your website where the review won’t be public. That feedback will at least help you identify how you can improve the relationship with that particular customer or even improve overall experiences with your business.

What Businesses Should Use Text Message Appointment Reminders?

Any service-based business where your customer or patient schedules appointments. Great for:

SMS Appointment Reminder Examples

Use these templates to send appointment reminders to your clients or patients. Mix and any part of these templates to come up with your own. View more appointment reminder examples by industry and create your own from templates.

  1. Hi [CUSTOMER-NAME], this is a reminder that you have an upcoming appointment with [BUSINESS-NAME] on [DATE-TIME].
  2. Hi [CUSTOMER-NAME], this is a reminder that you have an upcoming appointment with [BUSINESS-NAME] on [DATE-TIME]. Please confirm by replying YES.
  3. Hi [CUSTOMER-NAME], you have an upcoming appointment with [BUSINESS-NAME] on [DATE-TIME].
  4. Hi [CUSTOMER-NAME], don’t forget that you have an upcoming appointment with [BUSINESS-NAME] on [DATE-TIME]. We look forward to seeing you.
  5. Hi [CUSTOMER-NAME], don’t forget that you have an upcoming appointment with [BUSINESS-NAME] on [DATE-TIME]. We look forward to seeing you. Please let us know if you are unable to make it.
  6. Your appointment with us at [BUSINESS-NAME] is confirmed for [DATE-TIME]. We look forward to seeing you!
  7. Your appointment is confirmed for [DATE-TIME]. We look forward to seeing you at [BUSINESS-NAME].
  8. Hi [CUSTOMER-NAME], Your appointment is confirmed for [DATE-TIME]. Please bring [DOCUMENT NAME] with you. We look forward to seeing you at [BUSINESS-NAME].
  9. Hi [CUSTOMER-NAME], don’t forget about your appointment with [BUSINESS-NAME] on [DATE] at [TIME]. Please bring [DOCUMENT NAME] with you. Thanks.”

View more appointment reminder text examples.

Other Appointment Reminders

There are more options than just sending SMS appointment reminders. Learn more about your other options for sending appointment reminders.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you send an appointment reminder by text?

There are many solutions for sending appointment reminders. Many business CRMs have features that allow you to send SMS messages. There are also apps like TextSpot that you can subscribe to send reminders.

Can you text someone a reminder?

Yes. You can text a client, customer, patient, etc. a reminder for their appointment or about their service. The SMS messaging ecosystem is complex, however. Read this guide on U.S. SMS Compliance for more information.

Can I schedule an appointment reminder text?

Yes. With software like TextSpot, you can easily schedule and automate text message appointment reminders customers and patients.

How do I make an appointment reminder?

You have a few options for making an appointment reminder, including:

  • A calendar app like Google Calendar or Outlook.
  • Software like TextSpot.
  • Reminder apps on your Android or iOS device.

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Start scheduling, managing, and automating text messages today.

Create Your Free Account

Start scheduling, managing, and automating text messages today.
No credit card required. Takes 3 minutes.

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Automate Text Message Reminders Today

Automatically send appointment and other event reminders with our calendar integrations.

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